
Bro. Anselm Kelly, O.P.

Br. Anselm Kelly was raised in Chesapeake, Virginia where he and his family were parishioners at Prince of Peace and Saint Stephen, Martyr parishes. He earned a bachelor’s degree in history and government at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia. Upon graduation, he moved to Richmond, Virginia to begin a career in commercial real estate. He first began to feel a call to religious life during his senior year of college when he was matched to be a bone marrow donor. After this experience he was left with the desire to make his whole life a gift to the Church and to God. He was inspired to pursue Dominican life after visiting the House of Studies in Washington. He witnessed the zeal of the brothers for the preaching charism, as well as the balance of the life between the common life of prayer and assiduous study of sacred Truth. “I want to lay down my life as a sacrifice for the glory of Almighty God and, by His grace, preach to help save the souls of others as a son of Saint Dominic.”

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