Save the Date: 2024 Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage! Join us on September 28 in Washington, DC and participate spiritually in the 9-month novena starting January 27.
The Province of St. Joseph is expanding its ministry footprint into the Diocese of Rockville Centre in June 2024.
Every good thing begins in prayer! And so the Dominican Friars of the Province St. Joseph are beginning a 9-month novena to pray for the success of the second annual Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage.
How close can a work of art get us to God? In the case of Benvenuto di Giovanni’s Christ in Limbo, the answer is pressingly close. The central drama of this medieval depiction of Christ’s descent to the dead involves two antithetical forms of closeness: one being the undesired, uncomfortable congestion of the souls in Sheol, and the other Read more…
“Christ is risen! Truly he is risen!” At Easter, Christians traditionally have greeted each other with this call and response to express their joy at Christ’s Resurrection. Whether one responds out of an overflowing of faith or mere habit, the greeting’s focus on the veracity of Christ’s Resurrection inescapably communicates a proclamation of faith—a personal proclamation that Read more…
There is a young woman in Jerusalem who makes her way through a bustling scene. A man in the middle of the street – beaten, bruised and bloodied – on his hands and knees. His cross lays beside him. He looks as if he has lost all strength. Between the soldiers who are fending off Read more…
St. Joseph is not only the patron saint of the Universal Church but also the patron of the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph. We invite you to watch the video below to learn about the special role that St. Joseph plays in the lives of the Dominican Friars with Fr. John Paul Read more…
Fr. Briscoe would like to invite you to the Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage, a national pilgrimage celebrating the Rosary with a full-day event at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC on September 30, 2023, the Vigil of Rosary Sunday hosted by the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph.