

On August 15, 2023, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 12 Dominican friars professed simple, or first, vows at St. Gertrude’s parish in Cincinnati, OH.

In 1194 Dominic was ordained to the priesthood, receiving the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Christ and to go out into the world, preach the Gospel, and teach all nations. Dominic was ordained in Osma, Spain, later the center of noteworthy ecclesiastical reform by Bishop Don Martin Bazan, a zealous advocate in restoring Read more…

The longing that filled the hearts of twelve men, which brought them to their knees on the altar steps of St. Gertrude’s. They have been changed by that glimpse of the glory of the only Son of God. What else to do? They consecrate their lives. They train their eyes to see Jesus, and him only.

The treasure we’re looking for in this life is God. We may try to find all sorts of counterfeit gods—money, power, pleasure—but all of these will fall short of what we desire.

The Transfiguration of the Lord comes in a blaze of unearthly light. The glory of his divinity is no longer hidden, but for a brief moment the Lord allows his disciples to see him as He truly is.

In the last chapter of his new book, Alter Christus, Priestly Holiness on Earth and In Eternity, Fr. Ezra Sullivan, O.P., paints a picture of what the eternal rewards for holy priests will be—and it is a vision worth reading.

Three Dominican friars participated in a one-day symposium, Toward a Fundamental Theology of the Priesthood, recently held at The Catholic University of America.

Many Catholics don’t believe that the Eucharist actually is the Body and Blood of Christ. Some of those Catholics have never been told what the Church teaches.

The priesthood and the Eucharist are among the most precious gifts through which Jesus gives himself to us for our salvation.

Jesus’ heart is still moved by the crowds. He sees us in the realities of our lives, in our sufferings. . .and he’s moved with compassion, so much so that he wants to give himself to us.

Like other heart donors, Christ has died to offer life to someone else. However, unlike any other organ donor, Christ was raised from the dead and is alive still, reigning at the right hand of the Father in glory. Our heavenly heart donor is not only a man, but also truly God.

Christians have their head in the clouds. We can say this because Christ is “the head of the body, the church” (Col 1:18)

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