
Merry Christmas from the Dominican Friars

Dear Friends in Christ,

During this Christmas Octave, as we contemplate God’s sheer goodness in becoming man so he could save us, I wanted to share a short video of our friars in a recent Eucharistic procession. Jesus was born in a manger over 2,000 years ago so that he could be food for us. He is indeed food for us still—in the Eucharist! The saving truth of the Real Presence of Jesus is central to what the Dominican Friars preach and teach, and we we not only preach this at the Mass, we take our Eucharistic Lord to the streets to teach the world who he is—God and King!

To that end, we can’t form men to preach about the Real Presence and the graces received from the Eucharist without your help. Your generosity directly supports the formation of friars so they can bring the Eucharist to others. We invite you to prayerfully consider a year end gift to support Dominican vocations using the secure form below. Donate by midnight on December 31 and your gift will be doubled!

Come, let us adore him in the Eucharist this Christmas! Please know that you and your loved ones remain in the prayers of the Dominican Friars this Christmas and in the New Year!

Sincerely in Christ and St. Dominic,

Fr. John Paul Kern, O.P.
Executive Director
Dominican Friars Foundation

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