Diana Banister is President of Shirley & Banister Public Affairs—the Washington-based firm that coordinates media outreach for the March for Life—and a member of the Dominican Foundation Board.
What is the state of the Pro-Life movement today?
The Knights of Columbus recently did a poll on what people believe about life issues, and 80 percent think there should be more restrictions on abortion. So we’re winning young people. People are beginning to think of abortion as a human rights issue—that every human being should be given a chance for life and happiness. This is something all young people who are attuned to caring for others can understand.
What was unique about this year’s March for Life?
Br. Joachim Kenney, O.P. & Br. Edmund McCullough, O.P. at this years March for Life in Washington, D.C.
The message of this year’s March was that Pro-Life and Pro-Woman go hand in hand.
If you’re Pro-Life, then you’re Pro-Woman and if you’re Pro-Woman, then you’re Pro- Life. Cosmopolitan had a great article about the March that notes how we’re actually turning hearts and minds on this issue and doing it in a joyful and positive way.
Why do you support the Dominican Friars?
I’ve always felt an attraction to the Dominican charism of teaching and preaching the Gospel because that’s my business too: communication. To me, the Dominicans really embody John Paul II’s call for a new evangelization. Their presence is growing here in DC, and they’re reaching a lot of young people who want to learn more about their faith and more about the Church.