
Friar Formation Fund

Leave a Legacy of Hope for the Church in America


The Dominican Friars have been blessed with one of the most robust vocations programs in America. This momentum is a gift from God, and we want to steward it well. That’s why we’re building a perpetual scholarship fund for men studying for the priesthood. 

The Friar Formation Fund currently covers seven student brothers a year. With your help, we can raise that number to 25.

That’s 25 men, in perpetuity, being formed in the Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas and the charism of St. Dominic as they journey towards the priesthood.

100% of your legacy gift to the Friar Formation Fund will go to forming the next generation of American priests, not expensive brick and mortar projects or extraneous fees.

Use the secure form below to request information on leaving a legacy of hope by naming the Dominican Friars in your will through the Friar Formation Fund.

Copyright © 2017-2025 Dominican Friars Foundation

The Dominican Foundation of Dominican Friars Province of St. Joseph, Inc. is a NY State tax-exempt corporation under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with
Tax ID # 26-3273636.