
National Review: A Priest, A Psychologist & Professors on The Joy of Love by Pope Francis

Photo: Shhivika Chauhan

Photo: Shhivika Chauhan

A Priest, A Psychologist & Professors on The Joy of Love by Pope Francis


By: Kathryn Jean Lopez


Rev. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P., adjunct instructor in moral theology, Dominican House of Studies:


Though none of Amoris laetitia’s nine chapters is superfluous — all deserve a careful reading — chapters 3-5 constitute the heart of the document.  Therein, Pope Francis recapitulates the Church’s ancient tradition regarding the permanence, exclusivity, and fecundity of Christian marriage.  His purpose in these chapters is to re-present the deposit of faith regarding marriage in light of the contemporary challenges to married life signaled by the world’s bishops in two recent synods on the family.  To this end, the Holy Father makes copious use of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and the writings of recent pontiffs.


Read the complete National Review article here.

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