
Province of St. Joseph Welcomes 16 New Novices!

The Dominican Province of St. Joseph is happy to announce the 16 men who have been accepted for our 2018 novitiate class. They were clothed with the Dominican habit on August 8th, 2018, in a private ceremony in St. Gertrude Priory in Madeira, Ohio.

Click here to read more about the men who are joining the Order.

Please keep these men in your prayers.

We also ask that you prayerfully consider making a donation to support the formation of these young men for the priesthood. God is continuing to bless the Province of St. Joseph with many Dominican vocations – let us respond to His generosity by offering what we can to form faithful priests for His Church! 

It costs $18,000 to support one Novice for one year.  Multiplied by 16, we need to raise $288,000 for this year’s Novice class.  Please help us with your most generous gift!

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