Whether it is a candlelit meal at a fancy restaurant, a birthday celebration with a candle-topped cake, or the procession of the paschal candle at the Easter Vigil, candles are a clear sign of solemnity.
Read MoreIf they haven’t been packed away already, we can complete our nativity scenes this week with our celebration of the Epiphany. Finally, the enigmatic magi can fittingly join the decorative assemblage. But what is the significance of their arrival?
Read MoreEven around the dinner table, it’s easy to say “I’m grateful” and still forget the one who has truly provided: God.
Read MoreThere is a multitude of saints in heaven, and we are called to join them before the face of God.
Read More“There is a general rule concerning all special graces granted to any human being. Whenever the divine favor chooses someone to receive a special grace, or to accept a lofty vocation, God adorns the person chosen with all the gifts of the Spirit needed to fulfill the task at hand. This general rule is especially verified Read more…
Read MoreFriar, Priest, Master of the Order A renowned doctor of canon law and notable writer, Raymond of Peñafort (1175 – 1275) joined the Dominican Order in 1222, after a distinguished academic career in Barcelona and Bologna. His two principal works are his Summa Casuum on penitential discipline and his compilation of the decretals of canon Read more…
Read MoreSt. Martin de Porres, O.P. Friar Martin de Porres was born in Lima, Peru in 1579 of John, a Spanish nobleman, and Anna Velasquez, a freed slave. As a boy he studied medicine which later, as a member of the Order, he put to good use in helping the poor. Martin was received as a Read more…
Read MoreFriar and Priest Born around 1187 in the diocese of Braga, Portugal, Blessed Gonsalvo became a parish priest. After spending fourteen years traveling about the Holy Land and the sanctuaries of Rome, he took up the eremitical life. Eventually, he was inspired to enter the Dominican Order. After his introduction to religious life he obtained Read more…
Read MoreLay Dominican and Wife Saint Zdîslava was born in Moravia around the year 1220. As a wife and mother she provided well for her own family and was also known as a loving mother of the poor. She received the Dominican habit and together with her husband helped to build up the Order in Bohemia. Read more…
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