Bro. Josemaria Guzman-Dominiguez, O.P.

Fr. Josemaria Guzmán-Domínguez, O.P.

  • Born
  • Alma Mater
    University of Notre Dame
  • Hometown
    Manhasset, NY

Fr. Josemaría Guzmán-Domínguez was born in Caracas, Venezuela and is the first of four siblings. When he was twelve his family moved to Long Island, NY where they have since been members of St. Mary’s Church in Manhasset. He was blessed to go to the University of Notre Dame, where he majored in Italian Literature. His junior year he studied in Bologna, Italy, St. Dominic’s burial place, and there discerned a call to the Order. “St. Dominic’s zealous and joyful preaching of Jesus Christ inspired me to become his son and join in his mission.”

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