Fr. Isaac Augustine Morales, O.P.

Fr. Isaac Augustine Morales, O.P.

  • Born
  • Alma Mater
    Duke University
  • Hometown
    Chicago, IL

The youngest of four children, Fr. Isaac Morales was born and raised in the northern suburbs of Chicago. He received a BSE in civil engineering from Duke University, an MTS with a concentration in biblical studies from the University of Notre Dame, and a PhD in New Testament from Duke University. Before joining the Order of Preachers, he worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Theology at Marquette University and attended St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Milwaukee. “I was drawn to the Dominicans largely because of the Order’s rich theological patrimony, especially St. Thomas Aquinas, but also out of a desire to pray and live out the Christian life in a community of brothers. Our common life of prayer and fraternity keeps me focused on the importance of discipleship to Jesus Christ and strengthens me to be a witness to the gospel in a world desperately in need of hope.”

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