
The abundant graces of the Eucharist are fueling the growth of the Church, even in the midst of a harshly secular environment.

perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel

“The city that never sleeps needs a chapel that never closes,” said Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P., pastor of St. Joseph’s parish in New York City, now home to the first perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel in Manhattan.

Relationships are central to the life of society. From the foundational relationship of the family to the civic relationships that undergird political and economic systems, our entire lives are built upon relationality.

“People are taught what to think but not how to think, so students are not asking the right questions to get the right answers and the Dominicans have the best patrimony to address this.”

The purpose of life is to know God. Period. That is St. Thomas Aquinas’ central claim in his Summa Contra Gentiles, and it was Fr. James Brent, O.P.’s central claim as he opened the Thomistic Institute’s Student Leadership Conference.

In the last chapter of his new book, Alter Christus, Priestly Holiness on Earth and In Eternity, Fr. Ezra Sullivan, O.P., paints a picture of what the eternal rewards for holy priests will be—and it is a vision worth reading.

Three Dominican friars participated in a one-day symposium, Toward a Fundamental Theology of the Priesthood, recently held at The Catholic University of America.

Many Catholics don’t believe that the Eucharist actually is the Body and Blood of Christ. Some of those Catholics have never been told what the Church teaches.

The priesthood and the Eucharist are among the most precious gifts through which Jesus gives himself to us for our salvation.

Fr. Paul Marich, O.P., the Promoter of the Holy Rosary for the Dominican Province of St. Joseph, invites you to join us as we pray our 9-month novena for the success of the Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage.

As Christians, we must fight the evil of abortion and we must do so wisely.

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