This year we thank God for the ordination of five Dominican friars to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Throughout their lives each of these men will preach the saving truth of Jesus Christ, baptize, absolve sins, and celebrate Mass for many thousands of souls.
Fr. Frassati said it goes a long way when someone speaks your language. “To be a priest who’s able to communicate in their language is to see that there is a care.”
Eucharistic procession through a city or any location is not just about publicly showing off, but has a deep spiritual meaning for each pilgrim, each disciple, to walk behind the Lord, to follow him to a life of blessedness.
Join the Dominican Friars and Sisters and thousands of pilgrims at the upcoming national Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage!
As he tells the story, it simply dawned on Fr. James Brent, O.P., one Christmas Octave several years ago that God wants to raise up contemplative souls in the Church—people who have truly heard, and take seriously, the universal call to contemplative prayer.
Over 60 young adults from across the country came to Malvern, PA, to spend a weekend on retreat with the Godsplaining friars this past November.
St. Gertrude Parish has been a beacon in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for decades. Last November, the parish celebrated its 100th anniversary.
Fr. Basil Cole, O.P., and Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., were both awarded the title of Master of Sacred Theology by Fr. Gerard Timoner, O.P., Master of the Order.
By the profession of obedience we bind ourselves to live the evangelical counsels, renouncing certain things of undoubted value without detriment to true human development.
We praise God for the gift of life and his gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ!
Since 1974, thousands have marched in Washington, D.C., through the bitter cold. In post-Roe America, that work continues and we still march. While the Dobbs decision has had major effects on America, it was only one small step forward.
Save the Date: 2024 Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage! Join us on September 28 in Washington, DC and participate spiritually in the 9-month novena starting January 27.