
Fr. Humbert Kilanowski, O.P.

Fr. Humbert Kilanowski, O.P.

Fr. Humbert Kilanowski was born in Connecticut and moved with his family to the Columbus, Ohio area while in high school. He attended Case  Western Reserve University in Cleveland, double majoring in mathematics and astronomy, and then earned a doctorate in mathematics from The Ohio State University. While there, he began attending St. Patrick Church in downtown Columbus, where he met the Dominican friars and was active in the choir and the Knights of Columbus, and he entered religious life shortly after completing his Ph.D. “There is nothing a mathematician values more than truth– and my quest for the divine Truth led me to the Order whose motto is Veritas. The witness and example of the Friars I met inspired me to join their mission of contemplating the God who is Truth, and making Him known to the world.”

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