
Bro. Linus Martz, O.P.

Bro. Linus Martz, O.P.

Brother Linus Martz grew up in Hanover, Pennsylvania, where he and his family attended St. Joseph Parish. While studying philosophy at Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia, he became familiar with the Dominicans first through their history and then through meeting the friars in Washington, DC and in Rome. “As I came to know the Order, I was drawn by the common life of prayer contemplating God’s goodness, especially in the life-shattering reality of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. After personally experiencing this grace and mercy, as we can every day receiving our Lord in the Eucharist, what could bring more joy than a life preaching the Gospel? As a Dominican and with our Blessed Mother’s intercession, I hope to bring the fire of God’s love to the many restless hearts who long to see Him.”

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