Dear Friends,
Each generation of Catholics must pass on to the next generation the truths preached by the apostles and their successors, which have their roots in Jesus Christ Himself. While certain aspects of the life of the Church and the cultures she encounters can legitimately develop over time, there are core truths of faith and morality that do not change.
When Catholics say that core truths of faith and morality remain the same, it’s not because we are beholden to some ideology or are merely worried about the preservation of certain institutions. These truths remain the same either because they are deeply rooted in reason and human nature, they have been revealed by God, or both.
A little over six years ago, I came to the novitiate of the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph, in part, because I saw in the friars a desire to pass on those truths that do not change, to draw out their implications, and to showcase their beauty and relevance in our current age.
Despite, and perhaps because of, the many difficulties our society faces, many men are continuing to join the Dominicans to preach the truths that do not change and to lovingly accompany those we encounter with the help of God’s grace.
I pray that God will continue to bless us with vocations, the generous support of benefactors like you, and most importantly, the grace to fulfill the task for which we have been appointed.
In Christ and St. Dominic,
Br. Martin Davis, O.P.
Associate Executive Director