Br. Charles Rooney was raised in Darien, Connecticut, where he and his two younger brothers grew up attending St. Thomas More Church and St. John Church. In 2016, Br. Charles graduated from Duke University with a Program II bachelor of arts degree entitled, “Markets, Society, and Personalism.” While at Duke, Br. Charles ran on the varsity cross-country and track teams, wrote an “imago Dei” column for the student newspaper, and helped to coordinate collaboration between the Duke Catholic Center and the Thomistic Institute. From 2016 to 2017, Br. Charles earned a master of arts in Philosophy at Maynooth University, Ireland, through the George J. Mitchell Scholarship program and wrote his dissertation on Thomistic Personalism. In July 2017, Br. Charles entered the novitiate of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph: “I was deeply attracted by the Dominican charism of consecrating one’s entire self to the truth and sharing the sweet fruits of that consecration with others. It is a joy and a privilege to be a member of St. Dominic’s Order of Friars Preachers, abiding together in the love of Jesus Christ and proclaiming His saving truth to all whom we encounter.”
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