Friars of the Godsplaining Podcast Lead Pilgrims on The Camino

Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P. (back left), and Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. (back center) stand with pilgrims before the Santiago de Compostela Archcathedral Basilica in Spain.

Friars of the Godsplaining Podcast Lead Pilgrims on The Camino
By Blackfriars Staff

Early this summer, Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P., and Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P., of Godsplaining —a weekly podcast in which the friars discuss all things Catholic—led 15 young adults on a 12-day walking pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago. The “Camino” is a historic pilgrimage route with medieval origins that has grown in popularity in recent years.

Most modern walkers of the Camino are motivated by secular concerns, and the Godsplaining group drew attention. Fr. Jacob Bertrand recalled, “Fr. Gregory and I were in our habits, and we were with a fairly large group, so we stuck out. The witness of living the faith and walking a pilgrimage as Catholics, God willing, had more impact than I realized.”

Godsplaining exceeded two million listens this year and can be heard wherever podcasts are downloaded.

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