
Giving Tuesday

On this Giving Tuesday, I invite you to consider a group of men who gave their all: retired Dominican Friars who laid down their lives to preach the Gospel for the salvation of souls.

Their achievements are not only in the past. Take my Dominican brother, Fr. William Holt, O.P.

“Fr. Bill,” as he is known by his brothers and parishioners, recently touched hundreds of thousands of social media users with his down-to-earth wisdom on Humans of New York.

Fr. Bill’s testimony triggered an outpouring of enthusiasm. One comment says it all: “Where is your parish, Father? Your presence, your outlook, your optimism and kindness…that’s the type of religion that I want to be part of.”

Not all retired friars are as active in the public square as Fr. Bill, but all participate in the prayers of the Order as their strength allows.

All are praying daily for you, your loved ones, and every benefactor of the Dominican Friars. Will you keep them in your prayers and consider a gift in support of their retirement today?

This Giving Tuesday, please remember these men who have fought the good fight, and who continue to fight for you before the altar of the Lord.

In Christ and St. Dominic,

Father John Paul Kern, O.P

Executive Director

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