John Fidelis Spalding, O.P.
Cooperator, Jubilarian
Birth: April 3, 1920
Profession: August 5, 1948
Died: October 11, 1999
John Bertrand Spalding was born in St. Mary, KY, the son of Edward Bert and Emma Gertrude (Abell) Spalding. He received his primary education at Popes Schools near Lebanon, KY (1930-36) and his high school education at St. Augustine High School, Lebanon, KY (193640).
John entered the cooperator brother novitiate of St. Joseph Province in 1947 at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC receiving the name of Fidelis. Here he made his simple profession in 1948. He renewed his simple vows in 1951 at St. Joseph Priory in Somerset, OH and made solemn profession of vows at St. Rose Priory, Springfield, KY in 1954.
Br. Fidelis remained at the Dominican House of Studies after his first profession from 19481950. From 195052 he was assigned to St. Joseph’s Priory, Somerset, OH. In 1952 he was assigned to St. Rose Priory Springfield, KY where he labored for 19 years (195271). His last active assignment was at St. Louis Bertrand Priory, Louisville, KY (197198).
Failing health necessitated that he be assigned to the Province’s Center for Assisted Living at St. Dominic Priory, Washington, DC (199899) and later to Mohun Health Care Center at St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus, OH. Br. Fidelis died at Mount Carmel East Hospital in that city in the fiftyfirst year of his Dominican life. His body is interred at St. Rose Priory, Springfield, KY.
May God give eternal rest to this “Fidelis servus et prudens”.