John Jerome Conroy, O.P.

John Jerome Conroy, O.P.


Born:  December 19, 1921

Professed:  August 16, 1943

Ordained:  June 9, 1949

Died:  July 30, 2005

Father John Jerome Conroy, O.P., died on July 30, 2005, at the Mohun Health Care Center of the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs.

Born in Wheeling, WV, on December 21, 1921, he was educated at St. John’s Parochial School and at St. John’s High School in Bellaire, Ohio, before attending Providence College in Providence, RI, from 1939 to 1942.  He entered the Dominican Novitiate at St. Rose Priory, Springfield, KY, in 1942, made his Simple Profession of Vows on August 16, 1943, and his Solemn Profession in 1946.

Father Conroy was ordained to the priesthood on June 9, 1949, at St. Dominic’s Church in Washington, DC, upon the completion of his philosophical and theological studies in Ohio and Washington.

The early years of Father Conroy’s ministry as a Dominican were spent in teaching philosophy and theology at several colleges, including Providence College, Siena College in Memphis, Trinity College in Washington, St. Catherine’s in Kentucky, and St. Mary of the Springs in Columbus, Ohio.

From 1966 to 1972, Father Conroy served in parochial ministry at St. Gertrude’s Parish in Cincinnati, and at St. Joseph’s Church in Somerset, Ohio, were he was prior and pastor.  Because of his interest in Hispanic ministry, he spent several years in parishes in Mexico City and in Puebla.  In the years following, he was at the service of God’s people in the parishes of St. Dominic’s in Youngstown, Ohio, and at St. Catherine of Siena in New York City.

Whether as a beloved and effective professor in the classroom, or as a dedicated parish priest, Father Conroy enjoyed an enviable reputation among those with whom he worked so generously.

As his health began to fail, Father Conroy went first to the Center for Assisted Living at St. Dominic’s Priory in Washington, and then to Mohun Hall in Columbus, and in both locations received truly sensitive and loving care from his Dominican Brothers and Sisters.

At his Mass of Christian Burial, Fr. Benedict Joseph, OP, was the celebrant and homilist. Burial followed in the Dominican Friars’ at St. Joseph Church in Somerset, OH.

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