
A Letter From Brian and Amy Shaw

Sr. Diana Marie of Christ Jesus (center) speaks with Bishop Richard J. Malone at her final profession.

Dear Dominican Friars,

We’re grateful for all the work you’re doing, especially on college campuses where the need for both knowledge of the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ is so great! We’re thankful that Our Lord is addressing the needs of His people by calling an impressive number of new vocations to the Dominican Order in recent years.

We’re happy to be associated with the work of the Dominicans through our daughter, Sister Diana Marie of Christ Jesus, who made her Final Profession of Vows last month [at the Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary] in Buffalo, New York. From an early age Sr. Diana Marie seemed to have decided she was going to pursue holiness. She was remarkably unaffected by peer pressure as an adolescent and young adult, and she truly cooperated with God in developing her intellectual gifts for His glory.

Because of her hard work, Sr. Diana Marie earned scholarships and didn’t need to spend the money invested to assist her with college expenses. She asked us to help her choose worthy charities to receive her savings, and the Dominican Friars were a top choice.

Please accept this gift. We know it will be put to good use, and we pray it bears much fruit.

Please be assured that we join the nuns (the varsity prayer team) in praying for the Dominican Friars and for the success of all your good works.

Sincerely in Christ,


Brian and Amy Shaw

We at the Dominican Friars Foundation extend our heartfelt gratitude to Amy, Brian, and Sr. Diana Marie Shaw for their generous gift. Before founding the Order of Preachers, St. Dominic wisely established communities of contemplative nuns to pray for the success of his preaching. The friars continue to be richly blessed by the prayers of these holy women.

Sr. Diana Marie of Christ Jesus, O.P.
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