
Letter from the Prior Provincial

March for Life 2023
Photo by Mr. George Goss

I am honored and humbled to assume the role of Prior Provincial for the Province of St. Joseph in 2023, and I have gratitude for the service of my predecessor, Fr. Darren Pierre, O.P., who recently stepped down. The responsibility of leading and providing pastoral care to the friars of our Province inspires me, as does your support in enabling us to preach the Gospel of Life in all of our ministries.

As Catholic Christians, we confess the Triune God as the origin of all that is, and the giver of life. Life is the most fundamental gift each of us receives. Its very fact is a sign of God’s goodness. That which is owed to no one beforehand is given for our good. God is not made better by this gift, instead only the entire advantage of this creation is on the part of the one created.

We further confess that the human person is made in the image of God. By this we do not mean that God has two eyes, two ears, a nose, etc., instead the word “image” refers to God’s spiritual nature. God is love (1 Jn. 4:8). Furthermore, in the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us, “I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn. 14:6). We are made for love and truth, and this purpose or end of human life is there at the very beginning and it continues to its natural end. When we work to defend human life we honor the gift of God and give him glory. In some sense we become more godlike and open to love.





Fr. Allen Moran, O.P.
Prior Provincial

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