Letter from the Prior Provincial

Letter from the Prior Provincial


Despite all of the chaos, violence, and uncertainty in the world, the light of faith allows us to see reasons for hope and occasions for gratitude. In January 2023, I was elected Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Joseph and had to resign my post as President of the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology.

Despite the abrupt start and the sadness of saying goodbye to colleagues with whom I had developed a rapport, serving the Dominican friars in the Province of St. Joseph these past ten months has brought with it many blessings and privileges.

A prior provincial in some way acts as a pastor to the other members of the province, and so where a pastor might share the joy of the new life in his parish through the conversions he witnesses and baptisms he administers, the prior provincial has the privilege of welcoming new members into the province, witnessing professions, and approving friars to be ordained. In February of this year, I had the joy of receiving the solemn vows of three brothers. In March, we celebrated the ordination of five friars to the diaconate, and in May, nine friars were ordained priests for the Catholic Church. In June of this year, I had the joy of approving seven men to test their vocations by entering our novitiate, and in August, I received the simple profession of twelve brothers who had completed their novitiate year. For each of these vocations, I give thanks to God and pray that he will receive God’s mercy and be an effective voice for that mercy.

The Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage is an excellent example of effectively proclaiming God’s mercy at work through the mysteries of our salvation. It was such a joy to be present in Washington, DC in late September to celebrate with the thousands of you who were there in person.

Thank you for your support for our Dominican mission of preaching for the salvation of souls. We remember you in our prayers and we appreciate yours.




Very Rev. Allen Moran, O.P.
Prior Provincial

Until December 31, your most generous offering in support of our young friars in training will be matched dollar-for-dollar by an anonymous benefactor, up to $350,000!


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