Meet the Novices!

From the time of the founding of our Order in 1216, the Dominican Friars have boldly preached the Gospel for the salvation of souls. Today, there is a great need for the preaching of the Gospel – and, thanks be to God, we are blessed to have many young men in our novitiate who have answered the call and are preparing to do just that. Their year in the novitiate here at St. Gertrude gives them a solid foundation for the remainder of their religious life, ensuring that they will be well-prepared to serve as pastors, professors, campus chaplains, and hospital chaplains, bringing the saving truth of Jesus Christ to a world in need. Since the Dominicans are a religious order distinct from the clergy of the diocese, their education and formation is not funded by the diocese, but by generous donors like you.

Please enjoy this short video we’ve created, in which we asked the friars to reflect on their novitiate year & the joy of Dominican life.

We have been very blessed to receive a record number of vocations to our Province. Your support is essential to forming these young men as Dominican Friars – can you help us to prepare our novice brothers for a lifetime of service to Our Lord and his Church? Thank you for your generosity!

Copyright © 2017-2025 Dominican Friars Foundation

The Dominican Foundation of Dominican Friars Province of St. Joseph, Inc. is a NY State tax-exempt corporation under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with
Tax ID # 26-3273636.