
Fortifying the Friars: Restoring our Novitiate House

The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph proudly serve in many locations throughout the country. But now, our Novitiate House, where our young men spend their first crucial year, is in dire need of repair.

St. Gertrude’s Priory: The Dominican Friars have been present at St. Gertrude’s Parish for nearly a century, and during that time St. Gertrude’s has become the home for our Novitiate. Here, dedicated young men, called by God to lay down their lives as Dominican Friars, share their first year living in community and fully discerning their vocation. With gratitude for your loyal support to the Friars, we now ask for your help to shore up the walls of our Novitiate home, just as St. Dominic held up the walls of the Church in the vision of Pope Innocent III. 

Cost Breakdown: We are making every effort to renovate the Novitiate as cost efficiently as possible, recognizing our responsibilities to the other communities we serve and our mission to preach for the salvation of souls.

The Friars would deeply appreciate your generous gift in support of this much needed restoration! 

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