Fr. James Brent, O.P., leads retreats and administers the sacraments to participants in Project Rachel, a ministry to women who have had abortions and are seeking reconciliation with the Church. He also serves as chaplain for the US bishops’ nationwide Project Rachel efforts. BlackFriars sat down with Fr. James to discuss this important ministry.
Read MoreThis year the friars at the Dominican House of Studies and St. Dominic’s Priory and Parish continued our tradition of receiving some of the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who come to Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life. They came for two reasons: for protest and for pilgrimage.
Read MoreMarch for Life 2018: A Joyful Witness By Br. Anthony VanBerkum, O.P. This year marked the 45th annual March for Life in Washington, DC. Marchers ranged from elderly veterans of many marches to newborns in strollers to sleep-deprived, yet enthusiastic, college students. The diverse marchers were unified by their joy—their love for God’s gift Read more…
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