In his recent book Principles of Catholic Theology, Book 2, On the Rational Credibility of Christianity, Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., seeks to give a resource to show “warranted belief in Christianity.”
Read MoreOur Holy Father Dominic wanted his order to be poor. He wanted us to live by the words of Christ, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor . . . Then come, follow me” (Matt 19:21).
Read More“In January the Prior Provincial called me and asked me to become the pastor,” Fr. Paul said. “I was overjoyed and honored.”
Read MoreBrother John of Spain tells us that Dominic “used to get great delight from anything untoward that happened to him on the way. For example, if he tripped over a stone his face would light up as he said, ‘This is doing penance!’”
Read MoreThis year we thank God for the ordination of five Dominican friars to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Throughout their lives each of these men will preach the saving truth of Jesus Christ, baptize, absolve sins, and celebrate Mass for many thousands of souls.
Read MoreFr. Frassati said it goes a long way when someone speaks your language. “To be a priest who’s able to communicate in their language is to see that there is a care.”
Read MoreEucharistic procession through a city or any location is not just about publicly showing off, but has a deep spiritual meaning for each pilgrim, each disciple, to walk behind the Lord, to follow him to a life of blessedness.
Read MoreJoin the Dominican Friars and Sisters and thousands of pilgrims at the upcoming national Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage!
Read MoreAs he tells the story, it simply dawned on Fr. James Brent, O.P., one Christmas Octave several years ago that God wants to raise up contemplative souls in the Church—people who have truly heard, and take seriously, the universal call to contemplative prayer.
Read MoreSaint Thomas Aquinas says that the sacrament of Holy Orders is necessary for the Church, for otherwise the people would collapse. The Ordination Mass demonstrates that the Church is strong!
Read MoreSaint Catherine wrote thirty-seven of these fiery exhortations to Dominican friars. In them, she invites and implores her brethren to discover, to be immersed in, and to preach the transforming power of Christ’s Passion.
Read MoreOne particular grace that God gives to souls is a special love for the Eucharist. This special love goes beyond the ordinary love for the Blessed Sacrament to which God calls every Christian.
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