These are the priests your generosity has helped form over the past seven years to serve God and preach His Gospel to the Church and the world. Please keep them in your prayers as they go out into the harvest!
Read MoreProstration is a gesture packed with meaning. At Ordinations, the most striking moment is seeing the friars lie prostrate. The fact that the praying Church is calling upon all the saints at that moment becomes palpable.
Read MoreJesus promises His presence, guidance and courage in the person of the Holy Spirit. He helps each of us face the events that mark our pilgrimage to the Father’s house that Jesus has prepared for us for all eternity (Jn 14:3).
Read MorePlease pray for our recently ordained priests, and see in their ordinations the unmistakable sign of Jesus Christ who promised: “I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)
Read MoreOn Saturday May 25th, 2019, six of our Dominican friars were Ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ by Bishop Robert Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles.
Read MoreThe Sacred Heart linking Christ to priests is a popular symbol of the priesthood. In the rite of ordination the phrase “Alter Christus” (“another Christ”) reminds us that, although Christ himself is present to his Church, the priest acts as “another Christ” by virtue of his ordination. The above excerpt is from Reflections of Dominican Read more…
Read MoreThe following reflection is part of an ongoing series about the life of St. Dominic & the Order of Friars Preachers. In 1194 Dominic was ordained to the priesthood, receiving the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Christ and to go out into the world, preach the Gospel, and teach all nations. Dominic was Read more…
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