Fr. Dominic Mary Verner, O.P.

Fr. Dominic Mary Verner, O.P.

Fr. Dominic Verner, the eldest of three children, grew up in Carmel, Indiana and received his formation in the faith at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Parish. Fr. Dominic attended Purdue University, where he graduated with a degree in Electrical  Engineering. While at Purdue he began to discern a call to the priesthood, a call which he pursued upon graduating by entering Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary. He graduated from Mount Saint Mary’s with a masters in philosophical studies and entered the Order of Preachers shortly thereafter. “At the heart of the Dominican charism lies a profound sensitivity to the drama of salvation and the destiny of man. This is what I continue to find most attractive about Saint Dominic: He wept for souls abandoning their God, and with his band of brother preachers, he joyfully announced the grace of the Father who desires that all men be saved through the cross of his Son.”

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