Bro. Patrick Mary Bubel, O.P.

Br. Patrick Bubel is the oldest of five children from Hyde Park, New York, where he and his family are long-time parishioners of Regina Coeli Parish. He worked for one year at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory after studying mechanical engineering at SUNY Binghamton. It was during his time in college that he confronted the fact that the desires of his heart pointed toward a priestly vocation. His pastor directed him to the Province of St. Joseph, and he entered the Order after his year of engineering work. “When I went on my Come and See Weekend, I saw that a life committed to sanctity, joy, and the salvation of souls was not just an idea but a concrete reality being lived out by real men in freedom. Now, as a Dominican, I remain in constant awe at the graces the Lord bestows on His Church through this Order and I hope to participate in its mission of spreading the Gospel joy to others as a Friar Preacher.”

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