The Holy Rosary and the Dominican Friars

“It may justly be said that the Rosary of Mary is, as it were, the principle and foundation on which the very Order of St. Dominic rests for the perfecting of the lives of its members, and obtaining the salvation of others.” 

–Pope Pius XI

Thank you for your membership in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. As a member, you are very dear to the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans), in whose care Pope Leo XIII placed the Confraternity.

What you may not know is that our religious community, with whom you are so closely connected by Our Lady’s Rosary, is being blessed with a vocations boom. We like to say that we have a different vocations crisis–we have too many.

This is a great problem to have, and we are very grateful to God for the talented young men whom He is sending us to be formed for the priesthood and religious life. But housing, feeding, and educating over 50 friars in formation is a daunting task!

I invite you to prayerfully consider walking with our student brothers by making a donation to help train them as priests and preachers of Jesus Christ.



As a token of our gratitude to our brothers and sisters in the Rosary Confraternity, we have created the following videos to help you draw closer to the Dominican Order by praying Our Lady’s Rosary together with our friars.

The Joyful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary

The Luminous Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary

The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary

The Glorious Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary

Thank you for considering supporting the nearly 60 young men who are laying down their lives for Christ and His Church in the Dominican Province of St. Joseph. Your most generous offering will help bring the Gospel–and the Holy Rosary–to a culture in need.

The Dominican Friars Foundation is the 501(c)3 advancement arm of the Province of Saint Joseph. Your contribution is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Copyright © 2017-2025 Dominican Friars Foundation

The Dominican Foundation of Dominican Friars Province of St. Joseph, Inc. is a NY State tax-exempt corporation under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with
Tax ID # 26-3273636.