I did not cease giving thanks for you and remembering you in my prayers when ten of our men were ordained priests this May at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Read MoreEvery good Samaritan knows the call to rescue a life in danger of death, but, as Catholics, we are called to offer sacrifices, even our lives, to save souls in danger of the fires of hell.
Read MoreWhere is God in the midst of suffering? One sign of God’s presence is the Ordination (in three separate ceremonies due to Coronavirus precautions) of eight Dominican Friars you helped prepare for the priesthood.
Read MoreSt. Dominic was driven by the enormous challenges for the Church of his time. As a fisher of men he sought not simply to fill niches but to mend the Church’s net so souls would not slip through and be lost.
Read MoreProvidence College senior Kelli Jenney has been Dominican educated since kindergarten. She attended high school at St. Vincent Ferrer in Manhattan and is active in campus ministry at PC, where she assists the friars chaplains. We would like to share with you her family’s remarkable journey of faith.
Read MoreIn this issue of BlackFriars, you’ll read about Dominican Friars bringing God in word and sacrament to souls in secular institutions – colleges and hospitals – that are considered elite by the world’s standards.
Read MoreThe following letter was written by Fr. Gabriel Gillen, O.P. for Blackfriars, an official publication of the Dominican Foundation. Fr. Gillen serves as the Executive Director of the Dominican Foundation in New York City. Whether it is witnessing to the real presence of Our Lord during a Eucharistic procession in the streets of Memphis or standing up Read more…
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