Catholic New York: Archbishop Di Noia Explains ‘Catholic Truth About Original Sin’

Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P.

Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P.

Archbishop Di Noia Explains ‘Catholic Truth About Original Sin’
By: John Woods


Drawing heavily on St. Thomas Aquinas’ “Summa Theologiae,” a Vatican archbishop with New York roots called original sin “the absence of sanctifying grace in the substance of the soul.”

Perhaps surprisingly to some, Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia said original sin “does not involve what is proper to actual sin: there is no conscious turning away from God and toward the creaturely instead of Him.” With the “positive orientation to God” at the root of “original justice” absent, it means that “effective moral direction” is also lacking, the archbishop said.

And so, with the loss of original justice, Catholics receive sanctifying grace “not by human nature inherited from Adam, but by redemption through the new Adam, Jesus Christ,” Archbishop Di Noia said.


Read the complete Catholic New York article here.

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