Father Kenneth Letoile, O.P. talking with two novices, Brother Ezra Fegley and Brother Philip Nolan.
From the Provincial: A Heartfelt Thank You
By Father Kenneth Letoile, O.P.
Earlier in the summer, I had the privilege of spending some days at our novitiate located at Saint Gertrude’s parish in Cincinnati, Ohio. During that time, I met our fifteen new novices who received the Dominican habit on August 8th. I also presided and preached at the first profession of our nine “senior novices” on August 15th. During these days, I prayerfully expressed my gratitude to God for these talented, zealous, and generous young men. They have responded to God’s call to be Dominican Friars in the Province of Saint Joseph.
Classes have begun for our 72 student brothers and novices. If you have funded your children’s college education, you’re well aware of the costs of education for our 72 “sons.” Thank you so much for continuing the legacy of Saint Dominic so that we can “commit ourselves to the proclamation of the word of God, preaching everywhere the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”*
*Words of Pope Honorius III to Saint Dominic