We are blessed to have over 50 young men in formation and we ask for your prayers—that these men persevere in their path to the priesthood.
Read MoreA message from the Dominican Friars on the importance of bearing witness to God’s gift of life.
Read MoreThe Province has a lot to recommend itself—our parishes, our campus ministries, the Thomistic Institute, projects like the Hillbilly Thomists and Godsplaining. The Province is very present and engaged, and I think that draws men to the Order. We try to be faithful to the charism and mission of St. Dominic.
Read MoreFr. Frassati Davis, O.P., was ordained to the priesthood with four fellow Dominican friars on May 22.
Read MoreOn Saturday May 25th, 2019, six of our Dominican friars were Ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ by Bishop Robert Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles.
Read MoreOn May 23rd, 2008, I was ordained a priest of Jesus Christ. I like to think that my Nana—my Irish grandmother—is having a great laugh right now. She always hoped that I would become a priest.
Read MoreOrdained to the priesthood in 1966, Fr. Basil Cole has taught moral, spiritual, and dogmatic theology at the Dominican House of Studies since 1998. He has written extensively on moral theology and is the author of Christian Totality, a widely translated volume on religious life. How do your classes help form future priests? Sacred doctrine, Read more…
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